ABB generators for steam and gas turbines

ABB steam and gas turbine generators are highly reliable in even the most demanding conditions. 

Maximum efficiency means lower running costs, resulting in a low cost of ownership over the entire product life cycle. Reliable operation and low maintenance requirements minimize downtime. Our solutions can be customized to match your application and operating conditions, and they run reliably in all conditions. The compact four-pole design allows for a smaller footprint and lower foundation costs where needed. We offer a full range of powers up to 85 MVA.

Key benefits

  • Low cost of ownership throughout the product life cycle
  • Reliable operation in even the most demanding conditions
  • Customized to match the customers application and specific operating conditions
  • Large installed base and experience with key global turbine manufacturers
  • Product suitable for bio-mass and geothermal power plant applications

Synchronous generators offering

Large synchronous generators
High voltage compact generators


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